Drug Testing on Arrest (DToA)

Drug Testing on Arrest (DToA)

What’s the DToA All About?

Apart from when you watch TV, you’ve probably never thought about how our police force fight drug-related crime. Meet the Drug Testing on Arrest (DToA) program. It’s not just about nabbing bad guys – it aims to stop the endless loop of addiction and lawbreaking.

This is how the process works. When police make an arrest, they sometimes test for Class A drug use, like cocaine and opiates. But this isn’t just to catch people red-handed. If the test comes back positive, the police give them a chance – an opportunity to get evaluated and receive assistance or help.

Why bother, you wonder? Well, research indicates that treatment has a positive effect on lowering drug use and crime linked to drugs. It’s a good deal for everyone.

From Forgotten News to Hot Topic

The DToA isn’t new – it’s been around since 2003. But for ages, it was like that fancy kitchen tool you never touch. Some police forces embraced it, while others ignored it.

This all changed in October 2021. The government at that time decided to chuck in millions of pounds to grow the program. DToA became the star of the show, with 36 police forces joining in 2022/23, and 37 in 2023/24.

Show Me the Numbers!

Hey number lovers, check out these stats. From March 2022 to March 2024 they ran 117,825 tests. 65,638 of these tests were positive. That’s a 56% success rate people!

And listen to this – the number of tests keeps growing each quarter. It’s like watching a popular TV show gain fans.

For more detailed statistics and information about the DToA programme, you can check out the official government data publication.

Beyond the Test Tube

Now, you might wonder, “Okay, they’re catching drug users. What happens next?” Well, this is where things get interesting.

In a small study (so don’t take this as gospel), over 90% of positive tests resulted in an evaluation referral. Almost half of these led to treatment recommendations.

This goes beyond catching lawbreakers – it has the potential to transform lives.

The Devil’s in the Details

As always, there’s fine print. The DToA can test anyone 18 or older upon arrest, but they can also test teens as young as 14 after charges. A list of “trigger” offences qualifies for testing, but with proper authorisation, they can test for any crime if they suspect drug involvement.

What’s Next?

The Home Office continues to move ahead. It’s joining forces with police departments to collect additional information and intends to publish findings . Stay tuned – the DToA story has more chapters to unfold.

Remember, this isn’t just about numbers and tests. It concerns actual individuals – giving people battling addiction a chance to turn their lives around. And that, dear readers, is a subject that deserves our attention.

Photo by Jack Lucas Smith on Unsplash

This post was originally published in April 2019. It was last updated in August 2024.

Zoom Testing is a leading UK drug testing company and a supplier of Drug Test Kits.

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