Cannabis and Cigarette Smoking Link Study | Zoom Testing

Cannabis May Lead Non-Smokers to Cigarettes

Ex-smokers who use cannabis are more prone to relapse, and existing smokers who smoke cannabis are not as likely to quit.

Although using cigarettes continues to be on the decrease, cannabis use is increasing and, disproportionately, Cannabis smokers also use cigarettes. A scientific study by Columbia University and the City University of New York show that cannabis smoking was linked to a higher initiation of smoking regular cigarettes among non-cigarette users. In addition, they discovered adults who are cigarette smokers and also smoke cannabis are not as likely to give up smoking cigarettes compared to individuals who do not smoke cannabis. Ex-smokers who smoke cannabis are also more prone to relapse to smoking cigarettes. Results are posted on the internet in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry.

So far, not much was understood about the connection between cannabis use and quitting smoking or relapse after a while in the overall adult populace.

The comparisons were determined by details and replies from 34,639 people to queries regarding cannabis use together with smoking status.

The research implies that smoking cannabis is linked to a greater likelihood of starting smoking, relapse, and continuation.

Previous analysis indicated that using cannabis by cigarette smokers had grown significantly in the last two decades to the level where cigarette smokers are over 5 times more likely than non-smokers to smoke cannabis every day.

We need to better understand how cannabis and cigarette smoking affect each other. This is vital since cigarettes are still the top cause of early death and illness that we can prevent. More people are smoking cannabis now in Britain and Europe.

The study shows we need to tackle both cigarette and cannabis use together to help people quit and stay smoke-free. Doctors should check if their patients use either substance and give them special help to quit both.

Urine drug tests for both cannabis and cotinine are provide a simple method of screening for the use of either drug.

Health campaigns should teach people about the risks of smoking cannabis, especially when combined with cigarettes.

The study shows we need to learn more about how cannabis and cigarette use are linked, and how this affects public health. We can’t just focus on one type of smoking – we need to look at both.

Since smoking is still a big health problem, we must find better ways to help people quit and stay smoke-free

Photo by Anthony Cunningham for Zoom Testing

Zoom Testing is a leading UK drug testing company and a supplier of Drug Test Kits.

This post was originally published in 2018. It was last updated in January 2025.

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