
Cannabis Edibles Risk to Children

As restrictions have loosened across the country, a new study shows an increase in young US children accidentally consuming cannabis edibles.

In the period between 2017 and 2021, the number of reported cases increased by 1375 percent. It is estimated that 573 children were admitted to critical care units in five years out of a total of 7043 incidents. Almost all of the cases occurred in the home.

The study was published in the journal Pediatrics. The research was based on data obtained from the National Poison Data System, which monitors poison control centres across the country.

There is a wide variety of cannabis edibles available, including candy, chocolates, cookies, and other sweets. The packaging is often designed to look like normal snacks, making them appealing to kids that are unaware of their content.

The rise in popularity and use of cannabis edibles is not just a US phenomena. In the UK, cannabis edibles are becoming more common. Essex Police has produced an online guide to cannabis edibles in an attempt to educate people to the risks. However seizures of drugs disguised as sweets continue to rise. As recently as last month, Yorkshire Police seized edible cannabis disguised as Christmas chocolates.

Edibles contain significant amounts of THC, which can cause many unwanted and harmful side-effects for the user. The use of cannabis edibles can be detected by cannabis drug test kits.

Photo by Essex Police

Zoom Testing is a leading UK drug testing company and a supplier of Drug Test Kits.

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