Buy Drug Testing Kits in Liverpool

Buy Drug Testing Kits in Liverpool

A new set of drug tests (which, of course, have been aimed at parents) have recently gone on sale all across Liverpool — and you can get them across the counter!

For years we’ve seen drug tests purchasable over the internet and there’s no doubting how effective and reliable they are. So, with that in mind, it’s only natural that at some point you would be able to get them from your local pharmacy — that time is now. It won’t be long before we see some bigger pharmacies, such as Boots or Lloyds, also selling drug tests in the same manner that they do pregnancy tests.

According to an article published by the newspaper Liverpool Echo, as many as 40% of children between the ages of 11 and 15 are offered some sort of drugs each year. On top of this, the most common drug which is offered is cannabis.

As a parent, if you’re interested in purchasing a drug test for your child, take a look at some of the different kits that we have to offer. If you aren’t sure which one to get or need help using them, get in touch with us.

Types of Drug Tests for Sale in Liverpool

At the moment, there are two types of drug test that we see being used. Urine drug tests and saliva drug tests, both of which we’ll discuss below.

Understanding Drug Test Detection Windows

Drug tests can detect substances for varying lengths of time after use. Cannabis may show up for weeks in heavy users, while cocaine typically clears within a few days. Factors affecting detection time include:

  • Frequency of use
  • Dosage
  • Metabolism
  • Body mass
  • Hydration levels

It’s crucial to understand these windows when interpreting test results. A positive result doesn’t always mean recent use, and a negative doesn’t guarantee abstinence. For the most accurate picture, consider combining different test types and consulting with healthcare professionals.

Urine Drug Tests

Urine drug tests can be used to detect whether or not someone has taken specific prescription or illegal drugs. This is the most common type of drug test and is used to detect cocaine, cannabis, amphetamines, and opiates. Research has shown that a urine drug test is capable of detecting the top 12 most commonly used drugs in Liverpool.

There are two types of urine drug tests. One type will trace a single drug while the other type is a multi-drug test (testing for multiple drugs). The multi-drug test will typically screen their system for between 6 and 12 drugs and are the most common type of drug test. If you’re trying to make a decision on which test to buy, it might be worth noting that most drug clinics use a multi-drug urine test.

When using a single drug urine test, you’ll be given a cassette along with a dropper. The dropper should be used to collect a small urine sample which should then be placed inside of the cassette. On the other hand, a multi-drug test is typically dipped in the urine for the screening.

Saliva Drug Tests

A saliva drug test, otherwise known as a swab test, is designed to test for traces of drugs using your saliva. They are simple to use (all you have to do is swab the inside of your child’s cheek), and you can see the results within a few minutes.

Of course, this type of test is often preferred over a urine drug test because of how intrusive a urine test is. The only catch is that these are more expensive and they must be used in a short time frame; in comparison to urine drug tests which have a much longer time frame and are cheaper.

Not only can we provide Liverpool with drug testing kits, but we also send them to anyone across the nation. Once you’ve placed an order, we will ship it the same day so that you can expect a delivery within 24 hours. We also ship all of our orders as first-class so that you’re able to test your children as soon as possible!

Drug Support Groups in Liverpool

The Basement Advisory Centre
56-60 Parr Street
L1 4JN
Tel : 0151 707 1515
The Basement offers specialist support and help with addictions and mental health to people over 16 years of age in Liverpool and surrounding areas.

Community Voice
33-35 Cheapside
Liverpool L2 2DY
Phone: 07882 240148
This user led group put together by people in Liverpool who have been affected by drug or alcohol use. Community voice now offer a drop-in service for people who have been affected by drug and alcohol issues. The group’s aim is to enable its members to have a real say in the drug and alcohol services available in Liverpool.

DART (Drug & Alcohol Recovery Team)
Windsor House
Upper Parliament Street
Liverpool L8 7LF
Phone: 0151 330 8260
This NHS service is community based and aims to help people with drug and alcohol problems.

Sanctuary Family Support
322-326 Upper Parliament Street
Liverpool L8 7QL
Phone: 0151 735 0747
Sanctuary was founded by four parents in 1999. It is a charitable organisation that offers support to families of substance misusers. Sanctuary can offer support, advice, counselling and home visits.

The Whitechapel Centre
Langsdale Street
Liverpool L3 8DT
Phone: 0151 207 7617
This centre can help with people (aged 16 or over) with alcohol and drug issues, to obtain and sustain suitable independent accommodation along with addressing their substance misuse and mental health issues.

Young Addaction Liverpool South
Toxteth Firefit
115 Upper Warwick Street
Liverpool L8 8HD
Tel: 0151 706 9747
Young Addaction is a free and confidential service for young people aged 10-19 and a transition service for 19-24 year olds with substance use issues. Commissioned by Liverpool city council, the project is designed to help young people and parents with concerns about drug and/or alcohol use.

Young Person’s Advisory Service (YPAS)
36 Bolton Street
Liverpool L3 5LX
Phone: 0151 707 1025
Established in 1966 the Young Person’s Advisory Service (YPAS) is a charity that supports young people and families In Liverpool. The group operates from 3 locations in the city of Liverpool.

This charity can help with advice and support covering drug and alcohol addiction issues.

Photo by Neil Martin on Unsplash

This post was originally published in April 2017. It was last updated in August 2024.

Zoom Testing is a leading UK drug testing company and a supplier of Drug Test Kits.

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