
Which Drug Test is the Most Accurate?

When it comes to workplace drug testing, accuracy is paramount. False positives can ruin careers and reputations. That's why confirmation testing with GC/MS is so critical. But this two-step process takes time and money. For many employers, it simply isn't feasible to send every screening test off to the lab. So they rely on the high accuracy rates of instant tests - around 90% for positives and 85% for negatives according to experts. To maximise precision, responsible employers combine multiple methods. For example, conducting both urine and saliva tests. Urine has a longer detection window ideal for identifying habitual users. But saliva excels at pinpointing recent use, critical for ensuring workplace safety. This multi-pronged approach costs more upfront but provides robust data to make truly informed decisions. At the end of the day, investing in accurate drug testing protects employees, clients, and the company's reputation.

There are a number of different drug tests available to detect substance abuse. The most common ones are urine drug testing, hair follicle drug testing, and saliva drug testing, but these aren’t the only choices. For comprehensive information about drug testing options available in the UK, you can visit our UK drug testing information hub. … Read more

What Are Synthetic Cannabinoids?

What Are Synthetic Cannabinoids?

Synthetic cannabinoids are chemicals that work in a very similar way to Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the active part of cannabis. They were first researched by John William Huffman, a professor of organic chemistry at Clemson University. In 1985, his students carried out tests on laboratory mice of the first synthetic cannabinoid, JWH-018. Originally designed as a … Read more

What are Class A, B and C Drugs?

What are Class A, B and C Drugs

Illegal drugs are divided into 3 classes – A, B or C as per the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971. These classes are based broadly on the resulting harms to society or user when they are abused. The drug class determines the maximum penalty a user will suffer for an offence that the drug was … Read more

HGV Drivers: Drug Testing Laws and Rules

HGV Drivers: Drug Testing Laws and Rules

HGV driving is demanding work. Drivers face long hours, long distances, and challenging weather conditions. This is why the industry takes drug testing so seriously – it helps keep both drivers and other road users safe. What the Law Says About Drug Testing The law treats all drivers the same, whether they drive a car … Read more

Nail Drug Testing in the UK

People often shave their heads or bleach their hair to avoid hair drug tests. When this happens, labs can test body hair or fingernails instead. Labs use nail clippers to take nail samples. They cut just above the fingertip. Nails must be clean, with no nail polish. Some people can’t have nail tests. If you … Read more

Zoom Testing | UK Drug Testing Weekly | 14 February 2025

UK Drug Testing Weekly | 14 February 2025

Here at Zoom Testing, we track the news that matters for workplace drug and alcohol testing teams. This week brings important findings from Project ADDER’s impact on local drug programmes, plus research showing how new weight-loss medicines might affect alcohol testing results. We’re seeing changes in how organisations handle post-January sobriety campaigns, with Guernsey leading … Read more

What do 12 Panel Urine Drug Tests Look For?

12 Panel Drug Test Kit: What Does It Detect? | Zoom Testing

A 12-panel drug test is a drug screening method that checks for twelve different drugs. The drugs vary from class A drugs to prescription drugs which could potentially be abused. The test is easy to do and they provide a result within minutes of doing the test, which is very good for on-the-spot drug tests, … Read more

Why Drug Checking Matters

A new study from Australia shows how drug checking services can warn more people about unsafe substances. While the UK already has some drug checking through organisations like The Loop, many countries are expanding these services at festivals and health centres. The research offers useful lessons for improving UK drug safety warnings. Beyond Individual Testing … Read more